Friday, July 26, 2013


Hello my loyal subjects. We all know that magic blog AllRiseSilver owned do we? Well I went to it and that was deleted too. So I made a new one. Please check it out! :) But also, I was going to add a chat had it all set up but it said my URL was wrong tried it 5 more times still didn't work. Any ideas, tell me them on the idea page. I'm working on a spell page, and you can say I copied Silver on saying the thing about the book and the dust o3o. I just like the part, do you like it to? Have a great afternoon, ~Jake Roil

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Poll Results! (If you post above this post please make sure to make sure to say to read this post in your post)

Hi everyone! I wanted to show you all the poll results:

What do you think about the 'about' page?

I like it. 11 (61%)
I dont like it. 1 (5%)
I like some of it but not most. 2 (11%)
I like most of it but not all. 4 (22%)

'I like it' won.

What do you think about the laws?
I agree with them all. 6 (37%)
I dont agree with any of them. 0 (0%)
I agree with most but not all. 8 (50%)
I agree with a few but not most. 2 (12%)

'I agree with most but not all' won.

So- looks like the about page will stay as it is. It seemed as if there was some drama over that page- a hater came and deleted the page and before doing that posted some rude, and unnecessary comments on the page. (the page is back though- I had it saved to a word document) I am going to leave it as it is since this was a fair vote. If someone would like to rephrase something on the page or change a little bit of it ask me in the comments to this post and I will see what I can do.

Next- Laws. Most people said they agree with most of the laws but not all (since there are 3 laws this would mean that they agree with 2 laws and don't agree with one of them). The debatable thing with this answer is that some people might dislike different laws- which could lead to deleting all laws. To be fair- I am not going to delete any of the laws, but I will make changes to them.

If you voted 'I agree with most but not all' laws please say this in the comments: you voted 'I agree with most but not all laws', which law you dislike, and why you dislike it. (the reason you dislike it must be good, valid, and make sense.)

If 8 different people do not admit to voting this and state there reason then the results could be changed because this could mean that someone voted multiple times- which is against the rules.

So that's about all! :)

~Violet Roil

Goodbye! ;-;

Bye everyone! I'm heading to the cruise now, so I don't have much time! ;3;

Check out my den when you can! I decked it out for the summer! ^^

I also changed my look for the cruise while I'm vacationing! :D


I'll miss you all so much! Goodbye!!!! DX

-Erica Grindle; Now Vacationing

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yo Peeps!

Hey hey hey there! First of all, Chapter 5 of my story is posted.


I just learned how to add music to a blog, so what do you guys say we add some music to this blog? Drop your suggestions in the comments! Remember, they should relate to the kingdom. :)


P.S. It is so earrrrrrrrrllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy (4:05 in the morning D:)



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Buddy Me!

Hey Guys! I was on AJ and I realized that most of you aren't my buddies. So I deleted all of my buddies that hadn't been on for 'more then 30 days' and so now I only have like 50 buddies. So plz check if your my buddy and if your not send my a buddy request! (my user is adbout).
Also... how rare are red gloves? Because I had one but I traded it to someone for a rare pink fox hat. Is this a good trade? (I gave them a red glove and got a rare pink fox hat).

So ya!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Contest Again

Contest up again since it is now gone.

A promo for Celestial Towers.
Maximum 1 min 30 sec.
Use a screen recorder if you wish.
After you create the video, don't post to YouTube. (Only exception is Keiko because she didn't know this. But no exceptions except for her. And don't copy her.) Post to file and send me it at my email.
Effects and music are accepted.
I might judge them or we might have a vote. I don't know, depends on what I want to do.
I need at least 10 entries.
Two Honorable Mentions
All entries are due by September 1. 

I will make a compilation video of all the entries after the due date, then a winners video after the judging or voting.

Important stuff:
Screen recorder:


P.S. Could someone stick this on the contest page? I'm just an author. 


I made a promo for Frost's contest, though I'm not sure if it's too late :T 
The video's fairly short, a little less than a minute, but it's pretty okay, I guess.
Just wondering what all of you would think of it, do you like it? Hate it? Do you wish to summon the spirits of the underworld in a demonic ritual, and sacrifice this garbage as an offering?
However you feel about it I'd like to know. Anyways, I think it would be best to read the post below. They're important, and stuff, and should be looked at. *srs face* so look at them.
Erm... Long live Celestial Towers, enjoy caramel on Tuesdays, and sing to babies.